River HomeLink Programs

River HomeLink has many different programs to meet the various needs of our students and families. Students learn from anywhere and at their own pace. Certificated teachers support student success through in-person consultations. All programs meet district graduation requirements. Read all about our programs below.
RHL High School Programs
RHL High School – 2 Day Hybrid
RHL High School – Home-Based Instruction
and options to take classes at other schools like BGVA, CTA, Clark, and CASEE
Email Dinie Morr
Head Secretary
Email Jennifer Hatcher
Email Lynda Meza
360-334-8202 Attendance Line
Helpful Links
Home Based Instruction (HBI)
River HomeLink's HBI (Home Based Instruction) is the program in which you are your student's primary teacher. As your student's primary teacher you choose and use the curriculum of your choice that best fits your student and family needs. The school does not review or monitor your students progress. River HomeLink does not provide educational materials, resources, or chromebooks for students enrolled in HBI.
Site based Wednesday classes are available to your student as a part of RHL's HBI program. Students enrolled in HBI must be enrolled in 1 or more site based classes.
PrimeLink K-8
PrimeLink serves to empower K-8 families who desire to educate their child(ren) at home. Families receive weekly advising to assist in planning, executing, and reporting of their student’s educational journey. If needed, we will provide an approved curriculum appropriate for your child’s learning level. Also available to our students are two-day per week classes and various elective classes.
Advisory based family support includes: parent mentoring plus one-on-one student support, once per week.
Supports: goals / time management / learning challenges / strategies / mentoring / learning styles
See PrimeLink programs: CoreLink A, B, C, and Middle School Link. Electives as desired.
PrimeLink – Corelink 1-8
CoreLink classes are multi-grade and covers core subjects such as English Language Arts and Math. There are 16 students per class. Group A has 1st, 2nd & 3rd graders together. Group B has 3rd, 4th & 5th graders together. Group C has 6th, 7th & 8th graders together.
Group A = ELA + Math
Group B = ELA
Group C = ELA
Groups A & B: Parents attend class once per week with student and all advising sessions.
Group C: Parents attend class at least half-time for the first six weeks. After six weeks, parents attend as needed and all advising sessions.
Middle School Link (MS Link) – 6-8
MS Link classes are multi-grade and covers Literature, Writing and History. Stand-alone options available for math, science, and other classes. There are 24 students per class.
At home learning: 3 days per week
In person on campus: 2 days per week
Student advising: weekly*
Parent / guardian attendance: 2 times per month**
*Weekly tutoring for students. Parents are required to attend at least twice per month which satisfies advising requirements.
**Parent attendance in class will be determined by student progress, but will be no less than once per month.
I am looking for a program to help guide my homeschool journey by meeting with an adviser
Helpful Links
PrimeLink lead teacher Amy Avery’s website
ClassLink – 1-8
ClassLink classes are multi-grade and covers reading, writing, literacy, math, social studies, science, technology. There are 20-24 students per class.
At home learning: 3 days per week
In person on campus: 2 days per week
Student advising: once per month
Parent / guardian attendance: 1/2 day per month and all advising sessions
LitLink 3-4 is a parent-partnered program where students attend class at RHL 2 days per week and homeschool 3 days per week. LitLink has been designed with the love of literature in mind. In class, students will engage in a variety of studies with the emphasis on language arts. Students will learn on a two year rotation.
STEMLink 7/8 is on a 2 year rotation schedule; Each year will contain various units from the domains of Life, Physical, and Earth sciences integrating Engineering throughout.
STEMLink 7/8 is a parent-partnered STEM (Science Technology Engineering, and Math) educational model in which students attend classes two days per week and receive instruction at home three days per week. Parents and teachers share the teaching responsibilities. Students are full time students of Battle Ground Public Schools.
Exploring Arts and Culture
Exploring Arts and Culture classes are multi-grade and covers social studies, art, music, drama and research-based projects. EAC is a two-day-a-week humanities class designed to introduce and strengthen student understanding of our culturally diverse, interdependent world. Through inquiry, analysis, and exploration, students will be encouraged to develop opinions about historical events, to ask questions to better understand the people within each unit, and to compare cultures to seek out similarities and differences. There are 20-24 students per class.
At home learning: 3 days per week
In person on campus: 2 days per week
Student advising: once per month
Parent / guardian attendance: once per month
I am looking for a program with on campus classes two days per week and an adviser to help guide my child’s learning path at home.